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Restaurant: 100 King Restaurant
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Category: Restaurants
Address: 100 King St
City: Alexandria      State: VA Zip: 22314     Phone: (703)299-0076
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I was 13 at the time and I had gone with my dad to a local department store to buy clethos for school when it was announced on the radio (broadcast throughout the store) about his death (it was some time in the late afternoon I believe). My dad and I were shocked and I remember that I saw someone outside of the store that I knew so i ran down the aisle of the store and ran outside to tell that person.One week later we came back to buy more clethos for school when we found out that the owner of the department store had died soon after Elvis had died (eerie!). I still remmember that day very well.So, falling in love with Fiona in memphis in Graceland would definately make up for all the sadness and suffering thoroughout childhood and into adulthood. I think Elvis would approve and I miss yhim very much. I have been to Gracleland once, seven years ago and it was quite an experience, but an experience with Fiona at Graceland would top everything good and bad that has happened in my life. Waiting for time!RainbowRay 
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